Ethical Responsibility
Crown Orchard Company has a commitment to uphold and respect human rights, working rights, and the safety of our employees as well as those within our supply chain. We are implementing a due diligence system, which is consistent with our Human Rights Policy, the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), and The Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI).
We request that all suppliers comply with our Supplier Code of Conduct to do business with us. Among other things, the Supplier Code of Conduct prohibits the use of child labor, forced, bonded, or indentured labor, or modern slavery and we require suppliers to cascade these requirements to the next-tier suppliers within their own supply chains.
This Code of Conduct outlines the standards and principles for ethical behavior and practices that suppliers are expected to adhere to. In alignment with The Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) Code, our goal is to promote fair labor practices, environmental sustainability, and ethical business practices throughout our operations and the supply chain.
Compliance with Laws and Regulations
Suppliers must comply with local, national, and international laws and regulations related to agriculture, labor, health, and safety.
Suppliers must follow environmental regulations and guidelines to minimize their impact on natural resources and ecosystems.
Environmental Responsibility
Suppliers should comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations.
Efforts should be made to minimize environmental impact through sustainable practices and waste management.
Review and Updates
This Code of Conduct will be reviewed periodically and updated as necessary to reflect changes in legal requirements, industry standards, organizational priorities, or The ETI Code.
Compliance and Monitoring
Suppliers agree to cooperate with Crown Orchard or its representatives during audits or assessments to verify compliance to this code.
Suppliers must take prompt corrective action to address any non-compliance issues identified during audits or assessments.
Fair Labor Practices
Employment is freely chosen. Suppliers shall not use forced, bonded, indentured, involuntary labor, or any form of modern slavery or human trafficking.
Suppliers shall prohibit the use of child labor. Suppliers shall follow all local, state, and federal laws for the minimum age requirements for work in agriculture.
Official and verifiable documentation for each employee’s date of birth, or legally recognizable means of confirming employee’s age, are maintained.
All work is performed voluntarily, and workers shall have the freedom to leave work with reasonable notice.
Suppliers shall not engage in or tolerate any form of discrimination based on race, color, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, nationality, or any other protected status.
Suppliers shall ensure that the workplace is free from any form of harassment, abuse, or intimidation and shall address any reports of mistreatment promptly.
Suppliers shall ensure fair wages that meet or exceed minimum wage requirements, provide benefits as required by law, and provide clear information about their wages.
Suppliers should comply with local laws and regulations concerning working hours, including overtime. Workers should not be required to work excessive hours and should be given adequate rest periods.
Suppliers shall respect the rights of workers to freely choose their representation, including joining or forming trade unions or other worker organizations without discrimination or retaliation.
Suppliers should engage in constructive dialogue with worker representatives and respect their rights to negotiate working conditions collectively.
Ethical Business Practices
Suppliers should conduct business with integrity and avoid conflicts of interest, bribery, and corruption.
Transparent and honest communication should be upheld in all business dealings.
Health and Safety
Suppliers shall provide a safe, healthy, and sanitary working environment and/or housing environment (where applicable) including proper training and safety equipment.
Suppliers should establish emergency procedures and provide appropriate training to workers.
Suppliers should ensure that all agricultural practices comply with health regulations, including safe handling of chemicals and machinery.