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Meet the Team

Striving to be the Very Best

Crown Orchard Company has been supplying its customers with the freshest, best quality fruits in the market since 1912. This is largely in part due to our wonderful Crown Family, who make this business a well-oiled machine. 
Our employees are no doubt the "Apples of our Eye" and without them, none of our achievements would be possible.

Crown's Team

Henry Chiles  (the 8th)


Henry took over the family business at a very young age when his father passed away. He was always active with the farm before that and there was never a question that he would continue on and take Crown Orchard into the future!  He has devoted his entire life to agriculture and making sure Crown Orchard maintained its roots while moving towards the future!

Contact Henry

Ruth Chiles

Henry's wife, Head of Retail Operations â€‹

Ruth worked alongside Henry since before they were married 60 years ago!  On a particular bad year where the weather froze out most of the crop, Henry asked Ruth if she thought she could sell some peaches on the side of the road.  Ruth told him she would do her best! 30-40 years later, that first start is now Chiles Peach Orchard on Jarman Gap Road in Crozet!  Ruth put everything she had into raising her 3 children and building a retail operation!  Ruth loved to stop by and visit the fruit stand and visit with old friends. Sadly, Ruth passed away July of 2021.  She will be greatly missed but her spirit lives on in all aspects of Crown Orchard!

Ruth Eliza Dollens Chiles

September 20, 1933 - July 30, 2021

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Judy Chiles

Office Manager, Huff's Wife

Judy runs our main office!  If that job wasn't tough enough, she also has the job of trying to keep Huff and Henry straight!  Judy and Huff met at VA Tech (Go Hokies!) and were married after graduating.  Later she began working in the office and has ever since.  It wasn't a surprise to see her at the office with three little ones in tow!

Contact Judy

Henry Chiles (the 10th)

Farm Management

"Young" Henry has followed in his father and grandfather's footsteps pretty much since the day he was born.  He has always had an interest in the orchards and as he grew older he too knew that one day he would be carrying on his great, great grandfather's legacy.  Henry is a graduate of Va Tech (Go Hokies!)!  He works with his father managing the field operations, scouting, planting trees, driving tractors, and learning as much as he can.

Contact Henry

Ally Chiles 

Manager- Chiles Peach Orchard

Ally is the manager at Chiles Peach Orchard in Crozet.  Ally is no stranger to working in our retail operations.  Growing up she spent many summers and fall weekends working at both the Peach Orchard and Carter Mountain.  After several years working in hospitality outside the family business, she decided to come home and follow in her "Grammy's" (Ruth) footsteps!  

Ally is also a Va Tech graduate!

Contact Ally

Cynthia Chiles

Retail Operations

Cynthia, has worked in the family business from a very young age.  She remembers vividly her first big job working as a grader on the packing line! Though farming has always been in her blood and heart, she worked outside the family business for a long time in the travel industry.  She later returned home to help her mother run the family's retail operations.  Since her mother retired, Cynthia has cared for and cultivated the original vision her mother, Ruth, had when she started our first roadside market with a card table, folding chair and a cigar box.

Contact Cynthia

Henry "Huff" Chiles (the 9th)

Farm Operations

Huff runs the entire Farm operation alongside his father and son.  Truly a family run business!  Huff started out working in the orchard before he was barely able to walk!  Growing up in the family business, Huff knew this was his path in life.  He strives hard to keep Crown on the forefront by carefully selecting what varieties to plant and growing the best possible fruit.  
Huff graduated from VA Tech ( Go Hokies!) even though his father is a die hard UVA fan!

Contact Huff

Sarah Chiles

Quality Control/Food Safety

Sarah too worked in the family business while growing up.  She remembers her first job on the packing line at age 6, sitting on a field crate sealing the bags of apples after they were packed. 
Sarah went on to teach elementary school for 25 years before returning home to work with the family.  She focuses on Quality Control both in the packing house and in the orchard, helping run the packing line, and working with the food safety team.

Contact Sarah

Apple Harvest

Susan Floyd


Cecilia Granados

Office Assistant

Human Resources

Ray Dollins

Refrigeration/Food Safety

Matt Godfrey


Apple Harvest

David Drumheller

Packing House Manager

Benjamin Granados

Packing House Asst Manager

Passed away May 2021

Javier Granados

Packing House Asst. Manager

Chester Allen

Orchard Production Manager

Stephanie Ramsey

Front Office

Courtney Faris

Shipping/ AR

Diane Parker


Ashley Mawyer

Accounts Payable


Crown Orchard has many employees who work behind the scenes every day, truck drivers, tractor drivers, crew supervisors, packing house workers,field crews, etc.  Many of them have been a part of the Crown family for 20+ years!  Without these dedicated hard-working individuals we would not be where we are today!

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